Typography is everywhere you turn your head around even is about a newspaper article, a title from a book or a poster. You can’t miss a day without reading something, it’s an automatism that we’ve learned. But when you are a graphic designer it’s impossible not to focus your attention on letter shapes, type fontand overall design of an article when you read it. That’s why many talented designers come with greattypography concepts and start to transform the typography into an art.
Web designers also adopt this trend and start to create websites with bold and huge types, 3D typography design or simple and minimal typeface. The most important thing is to capture the user attention and to make it return to the web page. Typography is a form of communication and for designers it’s a true challenge to come with something new and great everytime to be well received by the public.
For today we gather around some great typography artworks from talented designers that will blow your mind. In this post you’ll find 30 beautiful examples of how a simple message can be transformed into a masterpiece. Hope you enjoy the selection we’ve made and get some inspiration for your future projects.
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