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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Logo FAQ – Company Logos

I need logo for my company, made in illustrator off course – create logo for my company. What should i do to have a nice logo for my business company ..? Create a logo FREE! Custom logo design in just minutes. Use our showcased logo that inspire you to create a fine custom logo design then. Your logo will make a positive and memorable impression. But no worries if you still confuse to do that, may this logo FAQ helps you. Frequently Asked Questions about Business Company Logos What makes a good logo? A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic, simple in form and conveys an intended message. This logo talk is for business owner and corporate management. Make logo for my business is not as just simple. There are many mystery surround them, so these Frequently Asked Questions about Company Logos :
This Logo FAQ addresses the following questions:
  1. Do I need a logo?
  2. Should I create my own logo?
  3. How much does a logo cost?
  4. How can I best work with a designer on a logo?
  1. Are there logo clichés to stay away from?
  2. What about logo colors?
  3. How should I choose the best logo candidate?
  1. How often should I change my logo?
  2. Can I legally protect my logo?
  3. What should I do with my logo?


1. Do I need a logo?
A logotype — popularly known as a logo — is a company’s name or initials printed in a certain style and/or a symbol that serves as a visual identity for a firm. Remember that more than half of all people process information primarily visually, while auditory and kinesthetic processing come in second and third, respectively. Visual identity has a big impact.
create logo for my company
Coca-Cola’s red-and-white script style enables you to identify the company at a glance even if the name itself is written in Arabic, Chinese or Cyrillic characters. Nike’s wordless "swish" symbol reminds you of the company instantly when you see it on sneakers, T-shirts, gear bags or billboards.
Even a small company can create this promotional payoff with appropriate use of an effective logo. Since every company of any significance has a logo, you mark yourself as insignificant, cheap or unprofessional if you do not have one.
A distinctive logo used proudly and extensively gives your company a recognizable look, so that envelopes bearing it get properly sorted by customers and imprinted mugs reinforce customers’ relationship with your company during their morning coffee ritual. In addition, the stylistic flavor of your logo — bold, nostalgic, warm or technological, for instance — allows you to communicate nonverbally some subtle characteristics of your company.
2. Should I create my own logo?
Preferably, no. Hire a professional. A pro can take a good idea to a level of execution that can stand the test of time. An inept logo gets tiresome quickly. In the worst case, it confuses customers and fails to create the credible, positive impression you want.
Logo FAQ - Company Logos
3. How much does a logo cost?
Designers hate this question. It’s like asking, "How much does a vacation cost?" That depends on whether you rent a jet to fly to Paris or go camping at the local state park.
At one extreme, a multinational corporation merging with another one might spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a logo aptly representing both companies. At the other extreme, you might be able to find a design student to create a logo for you for free in exchange for being able to use it in his or her portfolio. When you work with a designer, be prepared to spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand for an effective logo.
4. How can I best work with a designer on a logo?
First, collect examples of logos you like and dislike, not necessarily in your industry. Second, compile a list of adjectives representing qualities you’d like to convey about your company. Third, tell the designer about any color preferences and taboos. Fourth, describe the ways you intend to use the logo.
Ask to see at least three rough ideas to choose from, and expect to go through several more iterations with minor adjustments after you choose which direction you like best. Before you finalize anything, use the checklist in Part II to assess the appropriateness of what you’ve ended up with.


1. Are there logo clichés to stay away from?
In the Middle Ages, when most people couldn’t read, shopkeepers used standard symbols on their signage that told passersby that their establishment was a brewery, a pawn shop or a tannery. Today we have a vestige of that tradition in certain images being conventionally associated with specific industries and professions. For instance, scales indicate a lawyer (scales of justice), the outline of a roof over two walls suggests real estate and a curl of smoke coming out of a mug signifies coffee.
A skilled designer can incorporate these conventional associations into a logo in a subtle manner, but as a rule ignore such symbols in favor of fresher ideas.
2. What about logo colors?
Good question, since colors often have a profound impact on viewers. Psychologists agree that red and orange produce excitation, dark blue comfort and relaxation, and so on. To choose appropriate colors, think about the personality you want to convey for your business. Primary colors are wrong for most high-priced professionals, while silver and black wouldn’t fit the fun image you want for a kids’ gym.
create logo for my company
In addition, consider how you might extend the color scheme of the logo beyond the original context (usually, at first, stationery and business cards). Might you want to use the logo on clothing, stenciled on a van or stamped onto calculators or clocks? Certain colors (yellow, pink) a lot of people don’t wear well, while other colors (light blue, gray) don’t stand out well from a distance. Bright neon hues might not match the black/silver/beige of technology objects.
Selecting familiar colors and no more than two (including black as one color) will keep costs down wherever you use the logo.
3. How should I choose the best logo candidate?
Get opinions from people in your target market instead of merely relying on your own intuition and taste. Also, use this checklist to avoid common problems with logos:
  1. Does it communicate in black and white as well as in color? Some logs become incomprehensible when reproduced in newspaper ads or when sent through a fax machine. Keep in mind too that something like 10 million American men and a few women are at least partially color blind.
  2. Does it resize well? Try blowing it up and reducing it to determine its readability at different sizes.
  3. If the logo uses words or letters, are they recognizable? You shouldn’t have to explain or decipher the logo for people.
  4. Is the design consistent with the personality and tone you wish to convey about your business? A high-tech enterprise should look futuristic and speedy rather than fuzzy or flowery.
  5. Is it distinctive? A logo that looks like someone else’s isn’t worth your investment in it.
  6. Does it arouse any unwanted associations? What you intended as stepping stones might come across to others as looking like animal droppings. If you get this kind of honest feedback, pay attention.
  7. Do you and others in your company like it enough to use it enthusiastically? If not, return to the drawing board.


1. How often should I change my logo?
Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the "Guerrilla Marketing" books, says you should plan to use a logo for at least twenty years. If that seems excessively long, note that you’ll probably get tired of your company look much more quickly than anyone else.
Drastic change of a logo can wipe out brand equity built up at great cost over the years. This is a decision to make only with strong reasons, such as when the current logo no longer fits the business (for instance, the image of a slide rule when everyone now uses calculators and computers), when you want to emphasize new directions or when the logo was ill-chosen to begin with and you can now afford to remedy the problem.
create logo for my company - logo change
In many cases, a designer can update a logo without producing a complete break from the current version. The continuity then maintains the recognize ability you’ve had in the past.
2. Can I legally protect my logo?
Certainly. Talk to an intellectual property attorney about protecting your logo through a trademark. Such an attorney can also help you make sure your logo doesn’t unwittingly infringe on someone else’s trademark, which could produce a situation where you had to change your logo after using it. Trademarked logos are not just the image itself, but a combination of image, company name, colors, and layout.
The trademark notation (TM) serves notice that you are using your logo in respect with your goods and services. Federal registration (®) of your customer created logo requires submission to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office plus an application fee. Online firms, such as are a good source of information and can assist you with trademarking your logo. Customers outside the United States should check local laws.
3. What should I do with my logo?
Use it like crazy! The world is your oyster as far as uses go. The logo can be used for a website, off-line printing, embedding in documents, printing on T shirts, signs, banners, stationery, lunch box in fact the only real limitation is your imagination.
Don’t merely put it on stationery and business cards — put it on T-shirts, mouse pads, self-stick notes, umbrellas, tote bags, pens and much more. Did you know you can even get your logo onto chocolate bars and private-label bottled water? Any time one of those items gets used, it’s increasing the credibility, visibility and mind share of your company.
After you read this logo FAQ ensure you to create business logos, company logos. Logo creator, logo maker and logo designer software creating customized logos now –before your business ready to go. There are many services you can go that commissioned designers as well as using the talents of in-house designers to develop thousands of images and icons specifically geared toward logo use. The designers have years of experience; many have worked for major advertising and design companies. The service usually get great art from a variety of designers to ensure a selection of fresh icon ideas.

Pentingnya taste dalam desain grafis

Desain grafis bukanlah seni lukis yang seenak senimannya tanpa memikirkan apakah karyanya diterima oleh orang atau tidak. Karya desain grafis harus bisa diterima oleh orang lain yaitu konsumen. Salah satu unsur penting yang mempengaruhi hal tersebut adalah taste / selera desain.
Apa itu taste?

Setiap orang mempunyai taste yang berbeda. Banyak hal yang dapat membentuk taste sesorang diantaranya adalah pergaulan dan lingkungan sosial. Orang yang dibesarkan di lingkungan sosial kelas A , taste desainnya berbeda dengan yang dibesarkan di lingkungan kelas C. Pada pergaulan pun begitu.

Secara sederhana kita bisa lihat dari gaya desain pertokoan atau mall yang terdapat di 2 lingkungan tersebut. Kita bisa merasakan taste yang berbeda bila dalam satu hari kita memasuki ke dua tempat tersebut.

Atau kita memasuki 2 komunitas sosial yang berbeda, satu komunitas dari status sosial kelas A, yang lainnya dari kelas C.

Coba anda buktikan sendiri.

Kita bukan bicara soal desain pertokoan atau mall atau bagaimana bergaul tapi kita bicara soal desain grafis. Apa hubungannya?

Hubungannya sangat erat. Pada setiap pertokoan atau mall pasti terdapat elemen-elemen desain grafis seperti banner, logo, poster, warna, tipografi, ya kan? Nah, dari elemen-elemen tersebut, kita dapat melihar dan merasakan perbedaan taste desain pada kedua tempat yang berbeda lingkungan sosialnya. Pada pergaulan juga begitu, taste desain orang-orangnya tentu berbeda.

Andai saya yang dibesarkan di lingkungan status sosial kelas C, taste yang terbentuk pada diri saya adalah C. Untuk merubah taste yang terbentuk sejak kecil tidak mudah buat saya. Butuh proses dan waktu. Saya harus membiasakan diri memasuki lingkungan dengan status sosial yang lebih tinggi. Melihat dan merasakan bagaimana taste desain pada lingkungan status sosial A. Cara lain, melihat majalah, brosur, logo, buku dan materi desain grafis lainnya dengan taste desain kelas. A.

Sebagai contoh, jika suatu saat saya mendapat order desain grafis, dengan target market kelas A, tentu saya bisa fleksibel mengerjakannya yang sesuai dengan target marketnya atau dengan istilah lain sesuai dengan “Tone and Manner”. Tiba-tiba saya mendapat order desain lagi, bikin brosur untuk target market kelas C bahkan D, wah, ini lagi, taste saya dari kecil masih berasa, ga bakal hilang.

Akhirnya, desain model apapun, dari bergaya elegan sampai bergaya norak dan kampungan saya bisa mengerjakannya. Kalau sudah bisa begini, semakin mantaaap man…!

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