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Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


Regardless of any advancement in technology, pen and paper will always be the number once choice for any budding artist or illustrator. It is with the these pencil sketches that we create great designs. So, what exactly makes a doodle so fascinating even though it is claimed to be one of the most unproductive ways of spending time. Maybe a gross understatement, but once you look at these creative doodles, you will know what I’m talking about.
A doodle is a type of sketch, an unfocused drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied elsewhere. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes. Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.
Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook. (via wikipedia)
In this article, I have showcased some of the coolest doodle art found on the web. Some of them will just blow you away. Also, at the end of the article, I have given links to some really useful  resources and articles which will definitely be of interest to you. So, Enjoy the journey.

5 Alasan untuk Kencan dengan Desainer Grafis

Bekerja di depan monitor dan menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untukbrowsing informasi dan inspirasi menarik di internet memang membuat desainer grafis layaknya seorang geek. Kondisi pekerjaan juga membuat desainer grafis seperti kehilangan kontak dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Bahkan yang terparah, kebanyakan mungkin kesulitan untuk menjalin hubungan intim dengan lawan jenis. Hanya beberapa saja yang beruntung dikarunai bakat 'play boy' sebelum menjadi desainer grafis. Tapi terlepas dari itu, desainer grafis juga punya beberapa keunggulan yang membuat mereka pantas dijadikan calon pasangan idaman. Check it out..

1) Problem Solver

Pekerjaan sejatinya telah melatih desainer grafis sebagai problem solver (penyelesai masalah). Mereka mengurai, menganalisa, serta melakukan riset, kemudian mencari solusi untuk mentransformasikan ide dan informasi menjadi sebuah pesan visual yang mudah dimengerti. 

Desainer grafis terbiasa melakukan itu dalam setiap pekerjaan, dan hal yang sama juga akan dilakukan mereka dalam membangun sebuah hubungan. Enak bukan? Jika kamu adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang sering punya masalah dengan pasangan, desainer grafis adalah calon ideal yang patut dipertimbangkan untuk diajak berkencan.

2) Pendengar yang Baik

Desainer grafis bukan hanya piawai mencreate dan memanipulasi bentuk visual, tapi mereka juga handal sebagai pendengar yang baik. Tentu saja tidak hanya sekedar mendengar, tapi juga memahami serta mendalami maksud dan tujuan klien agar output yang dihasilkannya nanti juga sesuai dengan harapan si klien.

Sekarang bayangkan jika si klien adalah kamu. Maka apapun yang kamu keluh-kesahkan akan didengarkan dengan sabar dan dipahami dengan baik oleh si desainer grafis ini. Hasilnya bisa ditebak, dia akan memposisikan diri serta sikapnya sesuai dengan apa yang kamu harapkan. Kalau sudah begini, maka hubungan yang harmonis-pun tidak akan bisa dielakkan.

3) Kreatif dan Inovatif

Pekerjaan menuntut desainer grafis bergerak cepat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, industri, peradaban, serta cara berfikir yang terus berkembang dari masa ke masa. Itu sebabnya mereka identik dengan inovasi-inovasi yang sarat dengan kreatifitas. Tidak seperti pegawai kantoran yang terus menerus mengerjakan hal yang sama setiap hari sampai pensiun.

Dalam membina sebuah hubungan, hal ini bisa diaplikasikan pada konteks yang sederhana, seperti mencari tempat kencan atau sekedar memberi kado ulang tahun misalnya. Jangan kaget kalau suatu saat, kamu akan berkencan di kuburan, tempat sabung ayam, atau kantor polisi. Kamu akan dibuat merasakan hal baru yang beda dari yang lain, karena style-nya kebanyakan desainer grafis memang sudah begitu.

4) Estetis dan Fungsional

Desainer grafis selalu melihat semua hal berdasarkan dua faktor : Estetika dan Fungsi. Ini adalah rumus sederhana untuk membuat kehidupan kamu menjadi seimbang. Sebagai contoh, ketika banyak orang menghadiahi pasangannya kalung emas dan cincin permata (yang cenderung kepada estetika tapi tidak bagus secara fungsi), desainer grafis mungkin hanya menghadiahi kamu benda-benda yang sejatinya memang kamu butuhkan. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan seperti ini akan membuat kamu jauh dari gaya hidup konsumtif sehingga kamu terbiasa untuk menjalani hidup secara seimbang dan sederhana.

5) To the point

Setiap karya desain grafis hendaknya efektif dan mampu menyampaikan pesan dan informasi secara langsung, bahasa kerennya to the point. Desainer grafis tahu betul kerugian yang akan didapat jika terlalu banyak berbasa-basi. Mereka terbiasa spontan dan bersikap apa adanya. Hal yang sama kemungkin juga akan dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan pribadinya, termasuk kepada pasangannya.

Jadi, jika dia pikir penampilan atau gaya kamu norak maka dia akan mengatakannya secara langsung. Jika belum terbiasa, mungkin kamu akan shock, stress, dan gantung diri. :D Tapi percayalah, sikap seperti ini sangat baik dan tidak membuang-buang waktu. Selain itu, kamu juga akan cepat menyadari kebenaran tanpa terlalu lama tertipu oleh apresiasi palsu dan basa-basi dunia yang berlebihan.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design

Unusual and creative soap designs can be persuade targeted consumer to buy more your soap by its design because they are so cute and beautiful by it’s look. We can’t say no to cute and expressive design plus the product it self. Not many consumer being picky by the design –the matter is people does see the outlook before see the quality or products. Design can be demanded for product sale by attract the consumer –- sight communication. Modern and creative soap designs from all over the world.
I never imagined soap making can be so creative. I recently came across a web ecommerce and see the soap product, they inspire me to write this most interesting soaps in the world –unique and creative soap design.
Back in the day we showcased our favorite examples of creative soap packaging design, we thought it would be interesting to revisit this topic. But this time we wanted to concentrate on product conceptualization, as these products focus more on the design than commercialization. These are Products which have design purity and are likely to dictate and shape the future of what is possible in the world of design and manufacture -the handmade soap design or bath beauty products on – many people came by ahli desain grafis here

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  1. Creative Soap Packaging Design
  2. Professional and Creative Eco Friendly Packaging Design
  3. Eco-Friendly Bamboo on Beauty Products
  4. Eco-Friendly Bamboo on Gadget and Techno Products
  5. Unusual and Creative Coconut Packaging Design
There isn’t much information online about these so I don’t know whom to credit for this creativity, but I like it! What a nice change of pace to the boring liquid hand soap in my bathroom right now.
Very creative soaps design! Colorful, interesting and cute. Some of them looks very yummy. :) Take a look at this amazing collection of creative and unusual soap designs! Showcasing Creative Soap Box, along with hundreds of inspiring web designs. You never see the wonderful soap design before
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design 
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design
Extra Ordinary and Creative Soap Design

New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept

New Packaging Trends is awesome. Packaging design this year will see a growth in the use of biodegradable plastics and the use of sustainable ingredients such as bamboo, according to predictions from business information consultancy. Packagingdesign is challenging enough with the everyday evolution of products as manufactures constantly search for better ways to make their products smaller and a bit “easier” on the eyes of consumers.
More than anything, it can be a hassle having to look for increasingly efficient ways to package your product, especially if your design has to provide a solution for current ecological needs. Amazing Eco Friendly Packaging showcase here.
Back in the day we showcased our favourite examples of Eco Friendly Bamboo product design, we thought it would be interesting to revisit this topic. But this time we wanted to concentrate on product conceptualisation, as these products focus more on the design than commercialisation. These are Products which have design purity and are likely to dictate and shape the future of what is possible in the world of design and manufacture -the packaging design on

Related post

  1. 157 Latest Ideas Packaging Design Concepts
  2. Beautiful and Unusual Eco Friendly Bamboo Packaging Design
  3. Eco-Friendly Bamboo on Beauty Products
  4. Eco-Friendly Bamboo on Gadget and Techno Products
  5. Unusual and Creative Coconut Packaging Design
The group adds that bamboo, with its fast growing rate, is becoming the ingredient of choice in products and packaging, and is being used in baby wipes and cosmetics packaging, among other applications. The other company like Ecofuture manufacturer of biodegradable product, non-toxic and eco-friendly packaging products from palm oil. Eco-Friendly Packaging & Eco-Mark on Packages As such, there is a need for eco-friendly packaging. Today in every walk of life we talk in terms of Eco-friendly and Eco-labeling.
Eco-friendly packaging need to be well-designed, streamlined, biodegradable and easily recycled or reused. Greener packaging design fulfills the needs of a business having to connect with it’s targeted consumers without sacrificing our environment.
Eco friendly packaging or Green packaging has become very popular today to make our Earth, a green and safe earth. Packaging manufacturers and suppliers are constantly working towards improving the designs concepts of packaging so as to make the product more attractive and easy to use. One such design concept is Eco friendly packaging. If packaging industry provides a solution for current ecological needs, its all the more better. Here are 10 creative and stunning eco-friendly packaging concepts to answer bio and eco friendly products :
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
This design showcases flexibility and efficiency all while being eco-friendly.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
This packaging is more of a vintage mixed with retro style design.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
This is one of those undeniably environmentally cooperative designs, it also shows great use of typography.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
This packaging concept for Iams dog food heavily relies on a more natural look and feel.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
Finding a clean and neat envelope design is unique in its own. However, finding one that is easy on the eyes and is friendly to the environment is extremely rare.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept
The pattern on this design is lacquer transferred to green paper. They come in a package of four so placed back-to-back all the little pyramids would nest together to make a larger pyramid.
New Packaging Trends – Amazing Eco Friendly Concept

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